Life can be ecstatic, exciting and extraordinary... if you make it to be.

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Time flies by quickly. A year ago, I was with someone. Tonight, I’m alone with my P3 notebook and the TV buzzing nearby.

As I look back, I see a girl, full of hope and head over heels in love, talking with a loved one about dinner plans. It was his birthday. In the mid-afternoon, she goes back home from the office without asking his permission. He later pages her and she calls back, feigning a headache, and told him to just fetch her for dinner. Around 6PM, officemates started trickling in her apt. She had planned a surprise party. She had by then consolidated all the greetings from their officemates back home. Around 7PM, he knocks on her door, surprised to find it was all dark, and people suddenly shouted “Surprise!”. She beams with pride as she looked at his surprised but happy look. This is the first time she ever pulled off anything like this for anyone. And it was worth all the effort. She was in love.

Fast forward a year. So much has happened since then. They had since parted ways. It’s his birthday once more. And, he is in the U.S. once more. She is wondering how he is spending his birthday. Just curious, really. She is wondering whether he is happy. She is happy. She is no longer in love. But, people who love her surround her --- her family, her oldest friends. She has met new friends as well --- a wonderful bunch of people. She realizes she is very blessed, with or without a significant other. She no longer looks back at the past with pain and regret. Instead she looks forward to each day, each new beginning. And her **friend** is right… “the only logical thing to do is to enjoy each day for as long as it lasts”… And she intends to do just that. :-)

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