Thanks to all the 19 voters! :) I'm one of those who couldn't vote because, silly me, I forgot to include a choice like "what love story? i have a non-existent lovelife.." or something like that.. hehe..
If your love story were a movie, which would it be?
You've Got Mail - 47%
When Harry Met Sally - 31%
Sweetest Thing - 21%
Should I be surprised that a movie that involves email in starting a relationship had the highest votes? In this day and age, it should be expected, right? If I can choose my love story, I'd like it to be somewhere near Harry and Sally's.. Friendship, a long one at that, is still the best foundation of a love relationship.. And as for the Sweetest Thing - well, I do hope I won't end up like Cameron Diaz's character who bar-hopped her way into finding Mr. Right, just because I don't think I have the energy for that anymore.. Plus of course, I tend to be a wallflower in clubs, so what am I even talking about, right? :P
Comments from the voters:
* "Go to the mattresses!"
* but i really do like Serendipity ;)
* quirky guy + equally strange girl yup definitely when harry met sally for me with you've got mail at close second. only because it involves email. :)
Thanks once again for taking your time to click on your choices.
October poll is up. Pls. vote!