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And so goes the now famous line from what is one of the best films I've seen in my lifetime. It's up there in the league of the Godfather series, Braveheart,Saving Private Ryan, Glory, and well, Shrek.. hehehe.. Troy is based on the Iliad – on the 10th year of the Trojan War. Personally, I don't know much about Greek mythology. Methinks I did not pay much attention to my lit class in high school. But even with very minimal knowledge, one will still definitely enjoy this classictale of love, betrayal and bravery..

Let me start with the story. Troy stayed true to The Iliad for themost part. On how the Trojan war started when Paris, the younger prince of Troy abducted Helen of Sparta, better known as Helen ofTroy, the face who launched a thousand ships (from Greece). And while Paris did challenge Menelaus, Helen's husband to a duel, Menelaus did not die in Hector's hands. In fact, it was said that he and Helen got back together after Troy was burned down and defeated.The movie did not play up Achilles' supposed immortality, though he did die from an arrow shot by Paris to his heel. Patroclus, in themovie, was Achilles' very young cousin, but in the Iliad, he is Achilles' friend, and supposed lover. And then, there was Achilles' love interest in the movie, Briseias, who is actually a combination of two characters. Ajax also didn't get killed in the war, but rather killed himself. Anyhow, these minor modifications served a better cinematic purpose.The cinematography was brilliant; the visual effects (the thousand ships and the huge Trojan horse are cool) and the score, amazing. This movie is not dialogue-driven, that's for sure, thus, both are really critical in getting the message and emotions across.

Among my favorite scenes, aside from Brad Pitt's nude scenes (haha, kidding), is Achilles' and Hector's one-on-one fight scene, which ended withthe dragging of the latter's dead body in a chariot while his dad looked helplessly, and his wife, crying in agony. Really, really painful. I also liked the scene when Priam, Hector's dad went to see Achilles' to beg for his son's body back so he can be given a proper burial, and just before giving it back, Achilles' cried in regret to his wrongdoing of dishonoring the noble man. Being a cry baby that Iam, I cried in those scenes. :)

The actors were also great. Brad Pitt's very buff body is an eyecandy but the clincher is really his well-choreographed fight scenes as Achilles. Eric bana as Hector was also good. I guess, Orlando Bloom was also convincing as the wimpy seducer, Paris, but I will always love him better as Legolas. Must be the curls. The actress who played Helen was beautiful, but Achilles' concubine, Briseias had a much meatier role as the feisty priestess who fell in love with the bad boy. No one will get acting awards, but then again,Hollywood always has surprises up its sleeve.

"The gods envy us because we're mortals. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed.", one of Achilles' lines, which ofcourse is a universal truth. We only live once so we all try to live it as beautifully as we could, whether it is through seeking for heroism, or just plain, fighting for love (of another person, of ourcountry). And I guess that's why I liked this movie. Because it is something we can all relate to, elements which we can watch and then talk about. In the end, it's not just about Greek mythological heroes, it's about us.


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