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Mexico gets knocked out in the second round of the finals but Argentina advances, with a perfect goal from Maxi Rodriguez to highlight the match. Argentina vs Germany - now that will be a match that shouldn't be missed. Sigh.

It's a lazy Sunday morning and the sun is hiding among the clouds outside. Perfect day to catch up on my readings or movies or internet surfing. Hehe.

I was unsuccessful in finding my flipflops yesterday. I searched through all the shops that carried Havaianas in Rockwell and Glorietta. Only Rustan's had Germany and Argentina, but none in my size. Waaaaaaaaaaah!! No more deliveries til August daw. Huhuhu. Howell.

So in my disappointment, I ended up buying two new pairs of shoes, something I haven't done in a long time (because I still have so many that I've stopped wearing since my affair with Havaianas)... Will I drop my tsinelas affair and go back to my original love for shoes? Let's wait and see.. Hehe.

What would you do?

Your high school classamate who's been based abroad hit on you* the last time he went home. You told him you only see him like a brother (your high school friends are really like family). He didn't press the matter. Fast forward 1 or 2 years later, a reunion is coming up. He's been calling you for almost weekly for about two months now. Mostly you talk about the reunion, but he let it slip that he misses you, and hints about that episode a couple of times. You just brush it off. He's still like a brother to you. There's going to be a meeting in August, the weekend before your CDO trip. The reunion is the weekend after the Cebu-Bohol adventure in September. So you say you can't make it to both. It's going to be costly, plus that will make your sked quite harried. He offers to pay for your tickets on both trips. Will you accept the offer?

* he told you he wanted to bring you back to Oz with him and he attempted to kiss you.

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