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I started writing this entry two nights ago. I was irked by a trivial situation which was/is, I would say, so Dawson's Creek. But a senior manager warned about the dangers of distraction in these difficult times. I would rather really focus on my interim and long-term plans in preparation for the corporate "holocaust" ahead. So I just have quick message on this. Dear Pacey, Joey and Dawson, if you really value friendship, look beyond the self-centered drama. Just hoping that whatever you decide to do, assess whether those decisions will really only affect you. If you don't look close enough, chances are, you will have some other friends who will be caught in between. And yeah, friends do break up. But is this really the way you want your friends to go?

Moving on, one of my friends who is a young entrepreneur/extreme sports enthusiasts once told me that as long as we are employed, there is no such thing as job security. Yes, to a certain extent, we hold the future of our company in our hands, and if business is doing good, we will enjoy some sense of security. But the truth is, business will always have its highs and lows, some lows almost down in the pits. And when that happens, there are higher beings who can and will make harsh decisions that will lead to loss of jobs, salary cuts or close downs. Whether we work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and devote all our life to our jobs, is not the issue here. It is all about whether the company is still making money. Sad to say, at the end of the day, no one is spared. Kings/queens, pawns and in-betweens, we will be reduced to a mere statistic.

So what now? Do I run, hide or fight? Well, it's really up to us. We can run and jump into the next best thing that life has to offer, still going with the flow. We can hide and pretend we are indispensable. Or we can fight.

Fight by keeping ourselves employable, keeping our skills current. Fight by not putting our eggs in one basket. Fight by even doing a better job than we already are, keeping in mind that this may or may not help change our fate in the next few waves, but at least we know we have kept our integrity through it all. Fight by acknowledging that change happens, and be ready to change with change. Fight by being creative and continuing to explore other options. Fight by living our lives fully and without fear. Fight by staying close to our families and our friends, and to our colleagues who have, in one way or another, influenced our lives, and contributed to our growth as individuals and professionals. Fight by keeping your faith and praying for guidance when things seem hopeless. Fight by being sensitive to the emotions going through around you, and fight by resisting the urge to be arrogant amidst the worries, fear and uncertainty.

No one is spared. So fight. Fight, by always keeping that in mind, and fight, by doing something to change your fate.

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