Life can be ecstatic, exciting and extraordinary... if you make it to be.

OH WHY, IT'S 2011!

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I've chronicled my life online since 2001. 10 years definitely flew by so fast. Now we all got our fresh starts. That's the nice thing about life. While we don't have that ever-convenient reboot button, we do get that chance, once a year, to start anew, with a clean slate even.

But the thing is, I don't want to start with a clean slate. My memories, my experiences made me the person I am today, and I certainly don't want to erase anything. But, I do want to take a step back and reflect on what I want to START, STOP and CONTINUE.

Let me start with STOP -

1) I'm definitely over lists. Years ago, I made a before-30 list:

1. Learn how to swim 2. Learn to drive stick-shift 3. Take up diving 4. Learn how to cook 5. Learn CPR

Years later, I still haven't done 2 & 3. I may never take up diving, because open waters scare the s out of me. The thing is, I don't want to drive stick-shift because A/T is just so darn convenient. And yes, I took CPR classes, but I don't know if I'd know how to do it. I cook, yes, so-so, at best. And swim? I took up classes, and let's just say I'm no Michael Phelps. So yeah, I'm done with making lists.

2) I no longer want to overanalyze love. I'll throw in second-guessing myself when it comes to love as well. Yes, I got married barely 3 months after my now hubby proposed, but those 3 months were filled with a lot of doubt. Here's the simple truth - I married the person who knows me best and who understands my family the most. He makes things so simple, it irritates me sometimes, but then I realized, why complicate things? The most important things are really just so simple.


1) I'm going to start just doing things. No lists this time, just live each day to the fullest, doing things that matter to me and my loved ones!


1) I shall continue to love madly. There is no reason to hold back. I want to love and give so much, even when it hurts.

2010 was the year that I made so many life-changing decisions. I quit my job, even when I haven't began looking for another one. I knew if I didn't, I would have lost so much more. Then I got married. Something I didn't plan on. We just talked about it, and barely 3 months later, we found ourselves getting married, not once but twice! Haha.

This year, I just want to go back to basics. Live simply. Eat healthily. Exercise regularly. Love madly.

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