Life can be ecstatic, exciting and extraordinary... if you make it to be.

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Can't believe it's only Tuesday! Only a couple of days at work, and I'm drained already. I definitely need a serious career rehashing with my boss. I'm just slowly wilting away.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi to some friends:

Mond - Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one...
My friend in Seattle - You can rant and rave all you want. I'll be listening (or reading) :-)
Sieggy - You've updated your site... I should take your cue... ;) About getting real... I think I'm sounding way too happy in my blogs.

post script:
to all you game addicts out there, better explore the world of Xbox. all i can say is, it's what's inside that counts! :) that's coming from a proud product owner.. hehe...

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