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I was texting (sending SMS) with a guy friend, who fondly (?) calls me "bestfriend", and who i call "lolo" (hehe... gay-speak for "friend" but NO, he is not gay), last night, and these are few of the messages he sent me.. I'm not going to elaborate what we text'd about, but it's easy to read between the lines... And I'm not going to post my responses, either, because they're pretty lame. I was almost speechless when he text'd me the last one below, but of course, true to my stubborn nature, I managed to answer back pa rin...

"Our experiences mold us to what we become. But at the end of the day, what we truly are will never go away. It usually resurfaces when we let go of the hurt and pain..."

"Being true to yourself, no matter how many times you fall, is always better than avoiding pain by being someone you're not. There might come a time you won't remember who you are anymore..."

"Bad experiences are supposed to make us a better version of ourselves not turn us into someone we're not. To be more careful, to be wiser. But to live in doubt and fear is not living at all..."

"The pain may feel the same, but it never is. You think it's the same trap but it's not. Look back again and tell me you learned the exact same things. When you start to live a lie, that is the real trap..."

Oh, in case you're wondering where this guy came from, he's a Philo grad from one of the top universities here in Manila. He is smart, very funny, and very perceptive, it freaks me out, sometimes... :P

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