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Birthday in two days.. This is the 1st time I'm kinda bothered that I'm turning a year older... Except maybe when I turned thirteen, because I've always wanted to remain my dad's "baby" :P During the last few weeks, my life just flashed before me - the past haunting me, the present suspended in a one-day-at-a-time mode and the future still cloudy... It's not actually the getting old part that bothers me, but the fact that there are a lot of big decisions to make this year.. Sometimes I wish I can just escape from all of this.. Just retreat to a place where nothing else matters... Sometimes I wish through some magic, everything will just fall into place, then I won't have to spend a lot of time agonozing over what to do...

It's timely that I'll be going off to Lucena City tom. Dais invited me to spend the Holy week with her family. I can't connect remotely to our network since they have no PLDT line, ergo, I'm freed from my obligation to check on work once in a while, for 5 days!

And so, I will be in some sort of hiatus... won't be online for a while... and I'll be using the time to do 5S in my life (and I'll have to include my email archives as well.. would you believe i still keep mails from way back 1998?!). And I'll do some major reflection... And yeah, the fresh air will do me good... Or so I hope.

btw, dear Sieggy has been down in the dumps these past few days due to a string of bad lucks, as he calls it... Like I told another friend, we experience bad days so we will value and cherish the good ones! And yep, good days do come.. Hang in there! See you soon...

And speaking of that other friend, I'd like to give some loving to kuya Pat as well... (see how harassed he's been lately? he hasn't blogged in ages... :P ) Ey! This, too, shall pass :) *Muah*

See yah, all! Have a blessed week and wherever you go this week, don't forget to hug your loved ones first! Then go say a prayer to the One up above! Be safe.. and lastly, have a fun Easter Sunday! ('-')

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