Life can be ecstatic, exciting and extraordinary... if you make it to be.

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Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, “ Where have I gone wrong?” Then a voice says to me, “ This is going to take more than one night.”
–Charlie Brown

I knew I had an eccentric streak, but I never thought I was this weird :P I took a long bath, complete with body scrub and the works at 2AM this morning!!! I began scrubbing like crazy, as if to get rid of all the wearisome emotions I've been feeling lately instead of my dry skin cells. And what do you know? It worked! I came out of the bathroom not just completely exfoliated, but rejuvenated as well :)

I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say I'm over it all. I'm still grieving over erstwhile best friend (I shall now call EBF) who fell off the pedestal I put him in (perhaps unfairly so). But, life goes on. And soon, all this will just seem petty and pointless and everything will be as they should be. I hope.

btw, before I forget, here's the link to that Rico-Claudine story from the blog I removed..

* happy thoughts *
- I was bedridden for almost a week. It would have been a bummer to be sick and alone in the condo. Good thing my Ate visited me and decided to stay with me till I was well enough to be left alone.. Luv u, sis! Thanks!
- I put together a collage of the pix I took of my family from my digi cam. Cutesy little piece. Those smiling faces now greet me everytime I open my laptop since I made the collage my wallpaper!

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