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After two hours and more of The Hulk, I was almost angry, myself. Deng, the movie just sucked. The first half of the movie was dragging. There were too many repeated nightmare sequences, and at one point you begin to wonder if they will ever reveal whatever suppressed memory Dr. Bruce Banner had, or leave it for, god forbid, The Hulk Part II. The comic book effect showing different panes of successive scenes was so random it was distracting. I did like the CGI shots specially during the battle scene between the Hulk and his maniacal father.

I went to the movie expecting something dramatic yet exciting because that was how I remember the 70s TV series. Buti na lang, Eric Bana as Dr. Bruce Banner is a hotter though geekier version vs. TV show's Bill Bixby as Dr. David Banner. I think. Hehe. (Go here for more info of the TV series)

One thing I'm curious about, too. I don't remember the Hulk as being such a giant. And was he really able to leap so far? And why did his cut-off jeans always turn purple no matter what he wore before he transforms into the Hulk? Ok. So three things.

Oh well, at least I got to spend time with MB. And thankfully, dinner was good, too.

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