Life can be ecstatic, exciting and extraordinary... if you make it to be.

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I was kinda feeling sad again today about a lot of things... about failed marriages and loves that turn out to be a sham.. Sad about my closest uncle who had a stroke while the family was celebrating my late lola's birthday.. Ironically, it was the first time in a long time that all my mom's brothers and sisters got together because politics and family properties caused a rift along the way.. I called up the 'rents today and my bro' and they were all by my uncle's side.. He is in a comma and in very critical condition.. I cried while talking to them. And I want to go home. But I can't. Maybe I could but that probably means I can't go back anymore for Christmas.. And it's killing me because money is an issue nowadays. It has never been.. And I didn't wanna cry anymore. So I dreamt of home. I dreamt of peace and calm..

Then I visited my old friend's site.. And somehow seeing his pictures made me feel better. It's not home but close. Yeah, I daydream about the sun. He got to live it :) Nindot kaayo imong pictures, Ren!! Suya ko and mingaw na ko Cebu and Bohol!! :)

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