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Dear Shark,

I'm still on vacation mode. I have to blog to get it out of my system, so I can get back to reality :)

I had a great time back home. A great human being who was an old friend was an added perk in that package.

R is an old barkada from way back. The last time I saw him was 9 or 10 years ago. It's been so long, I don't even remember. He's from my parents' hometown (which I only visit some summers and sometimes during fiestas/halloween) and a close friend of my cousin (who is one of my good friends, too).

We met one summer in high school. He was very shy, and a little indimated by a city girl like me at first. But we eventually became friends and we hung out for most of the two weeks or so I was there. It was like a little summer fling, but not really. We were just two people who liked each other so much, and made each other laugh. He made me laugh so hard, I think my endorphin level was at an all-time high at that time. That was one of my best summers. R, my cousin M and I became really good friends. But like summer, some good things end. We slowly lost touch when I got back to the city (that was the no-cellphone era, hahaha), though I can't say we didn't try. My visits to the town became fewer and fewer, and my life became more removed from that summer of long ago. I last saw him sometime in college, and never saw him again.

Not until this weekend. It was the night of the grand reunion, and I stepped out of the venue for a bit to get a smoke. My parents still don't know I smoke, so I have to sneak out. I was with my nephew and a niece outside, when a group of guys passed by. One of them was looking at me intently, I guess, trying to decide whether he knew me or not. After my first glance, I decided I didn't know him. He passed by again after a while and again that look. Since I was busy, didn't really make a big deal out of it.

The programme ended shortly after midnight. My cousin (R's friend), didn't attend but he came by after to see me. My cousin tapped me on my shoulder and when I turned around, I stared at him, and it took me a few seconds to recognize him. That was really crazy. Just goes to show how much we've changed all these years. We were no longer the scrawny kids we used to be. I didn't even have breasts then. Hahaha. He called R to his side, and asked me if I remembered him. I shook my head and R was just smiling tentatively, deciding whether to leave or stay. R has totally changed as well, but when I took time to look, I saw the kid I once knew. And when he started cracking jokes, I knew it was him. R told me he also barely recognized me, curly hair and all. When he saw me smoking, he decided it wasn't me. Haha.

My cousin, R and I hung out until the sun was up. We caught up with each other's lives, and tried to dissect why all of us were still single (we're about the same age). We decided to hit the beach since it was already 6AM when we finished. I went home to get changed and ask permission from the 'rents. My mom was already cooking breakfast when I came in, and this was one of the times I was thankful that I'm old enough to stay out all night and not hear anything from my parents. R said he'll call me once they're ready to pick me up at home. I decided to rest a little and went to bed. I woke up to the sound of my brother's cellphone, and instinctively looked at the time. 9:40AM. Our agreement was to leave by 7AM. Shoot. I thought they had abandoned me, but I looked at my phone and saw that it was off. I must have managed to turn it off, and saw I had several messages from R. I text'd him back to apologize. He immediately called me and told me he thought I had changed my mind. I explained to him what happened. I don't think he believed me, but he went to the house around 11AM and we went to the beach with my cousin and nephew. We played cards, drank, ate, talked, laughed, waded in the water.

The tide was low after lunch, and I decided to get a tan. R went with me, and we grabbed two big bottles of beer. We sat in the water for hours and just talked and talked and talked, and drank and laughed some in between. We didn't notice the time pass by, and it was almost sunset when we walked back to the cottage, and only because my best friend had been calling me and my nephew finally decided to break the little moment R and I was having. Hahaha.

Went home to hang out with my cousins and family. After dinner, R came by, and we hung out with my cousins, until they left to sleep one by one. By midnight, we were the last two people standing and I welcomed the 1st hour of my birthday, with him by my side. He gave me a kiss that was tentative and sweet, and felt like a kiss you would get as a kid falling in love for the first time. Giddyness. We continued talking until morning. I managed to go home before the sun rose this time 'coz my dad was driving me back to the city at 7AM.

We spent so much time together in so little time, and it was enough to catch up, and I had enough memories to bring back with me to earth. He works in a Carribean cruise line and he's just here on vacation. And I'm going back to my life here, in my home now.

I was thinking how some things just don't last. But then again, maybe, that's just the way it's supposed to be. And that's not necessarily a bad thing.


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