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I posted this exactly 2 years ago. Reprinting in its entirety (but I crossed out the ones I consider done, new comments in this color). And all I can say is, TIME WARP!


Actually, I made a to-do-before-30 list around 4 years ago. Sadly, not much progress.. Got too caught up with a lot of other things along the way... but i'm still not giving up on this list..

1. learn how to swim – I love the ocean, but after a couple of near-drown incidents, I gave up on swimming… but, now I want to give it another shot.. i want to be the next jesebelle.. hehehe
2. learn to drive M/T – I've not mastered the art of driving a stick-shift.. paet! I can never borrow my sisters' cars because of this… specially now when i have to send my car to repair.. i have not commuted since forever.. and ayoko! :)
3. learn how to dive – uhm, i shud start with #1 first
4.learn how to cook – hmm.. this is kinda so-so.. I've managed to learn how to cook sinigang and adobo.. in my book this counts as knowing how to cook.. hahahaha…
5.learn CPR/First Aid – I'm certified now.. yipey!

2/5 in 4 years is almost discouraging but heck, I've also done things not in my list, like skydiving, bungee jumping, and some things that are not so PG … hahaha…j/k

well, as my countdown to 30 continues, I decided to create 30 simple things I can manage to do in less than 30 days.. silly things, things I've never done before, things I've not done in a long time.. and so on..
1. ride the MRT for the 1st time
2. take the jeepney (just to Rockwell lang, kay init na ra ba.. hehe)
3. finally have the guts to go through my Oregon stuff, put away the boxes and the memories along with them…
4. do not be late for work for one whole week
5. let my inner rocker out in the incubus concert.. kesehodang SRO.. i have to get over my claustrophobia to get through this one alive and happy =)
6. cut down on non-work related internet time to one hour per day
(but i think the addiction is back now)
7. no soda for 3 consecutive days
8. take my vitamins regularly (believe me this is such a chore for me..)
9. enroll in the gym (i didn't say actually GO to the gym, hahaha!)
10. never have a 1.5 for my accounting class assignments ever again!
11. do not procrastinate and study for class on Sundays.. Sunday is my MBA study time.. (repeat 100000x)

12. drink 8 glasses of water per day
13. not have a fight with the ex ever again, and if possible, totally ignore him

14. call my mom and dad at least 1x/week
15. visit my ate and nephews/niece in q.c. at least 1x/2 weeks
16. never be late for meetings and send out meeting minutes at most 2 days after the meeting
17. talk to my engineers sporadically through the day

18. have lunch together with my engineers during workdays
19. actually have lunch, no matter how tight my sked is
20. have lunch instead of use my break for smoking
21. send the car to the repair shop
22. get the long overdue police report at the station
23. treat my engineers to starbucks tagaytay
24. do good on my promise to arl to get her a date :p
25. no more absences because of hangover
26. have the discipline to not go out during weekdays or be in bed by midnight
(potah, PBB is keeping me up. Evict Keanna and I will have my sleep. Hehehe! )
27. complete one whole week at work
28. try to love my job again and not be angry at the circumstances because things will be better soon (new job, same dilemma)
29. stick to my ½ cup rice per day diet
30. try at least 3 different drinks/cocktails i've never tried before (i've tried orgasm in cable car last time, and it was kinda anti-climactic.. hahaha.. now, blow jobs and buttery nipples, i like.. lol) (the first thing I crossed out in the list, not surprisingly. Wahaha)

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