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I didn’t realize the ballyhoo on the Tuesday date (6-6-06) until I tuned in to the radio that morning. Apparently, it raised a concern (even fear) on some people who believed that 666 is an evil number. A few believed it was the end of the world (we know now that isn’t true, of course), or unlucky or whatever fearful event might transpire.

Not really keen on believing such nonsense, I totally dismissed the whole thing. It wasn’t until night that housemates and I talked about it. While preparing to go to our neighbors for a despedida inuman session of sorts for K, we experienced a power fluctuation. All the appliances started slowing down, and the lights faded in and out. I thought for sure that a brownout was coming up, but lo and behold, as I checked my neighbors’ houses, they didn’t seem to be encountering the same problem. The whole light flickering thing went on until right before we slept. By morning, our lights and appliances were back to normal… Hmmm…

The inuman session was of course fun. We played the name game. I got the 1st drink when Ali’s first category was Rene Requiestas movies. Wtf. Hahaha. The best answer of course would have to go to James. He was immediately after Jerk who asked for the names of the 12 apostles, and James calmly answered “Paul”. How ironic, given that he’s named after an apostle. Hahaha.

The next blooper came from me. Again, it was Ali who got me. She asked for the names of the chipmunks (hello, no idea), and I shouted excitedly “Dale”.. Dirty, dirty. Hahaha.

The last category was 4-legged animals, and they forcibly asked me to drink the last shot after not accepting my kangaroo answer. Well, vindication’s sweet, is all I can say. Hahaha.

Everything went pretty uneventful after we ended the night. Except that most of the Gov party kids were downed by some strange stomach sickness the following day, except for my housemates and I. Must be their 666 curse. Hahaha. (Insert Jaws theme song here).

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