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My face-to-face meeting finally ended yesterday (so goodbye to my Costa Rican muscle boy – MB - who thought I hated him.Yeah, I did think he was a pain in the butt but I changed my mind about him the moment I saw him… hehe). I expected that it would be a slow, relaxed week, instead I left feeling an impending doom of the millions of deliverables in the next two or three quarters. Good thing that my team was actually able to handle our urgent customer request pretty well even without me, despite a couple of schedule pull-ins. But on the first two days, I had a heartburn, being bombarded with all that, plus all the travel problems concerning me and my engineers. There are so many loopholes in the relocation guidelines, plus the service just plain sucks. I’m so drained.

* * * * *
Our last lunch together yesterday went from bad to worst. Bad: We took the visitors to the now non-existent Angelino’s in Pasay Road. Kakahiya! Worse: We headed to Italliani’s in Greenbelt 2 and we were told there was a 30-min wait, so we transferred to Magnum. 1 and ½ hrs and several pieces of bread later, only the fish orders arrived but the steaks have not. And we were told for the nth time, that it will only take a few minutes more. Now very angry and very hungry, MB got up and told the manager we were paying for our drinks and leave as it was taking too damn long. Several others began to crowd the manager, and she let us go, without paying for anything. But free drinks and bread just didn’t seem like something to be remotely smug about considering we wasted our time waiting for nothing. Worst: We decided to take out food in KFC, a friggin’ fast food, but damn, we had to wait 15 minutes before we got all our orders. And I didn’t even get my spoon and fork.

* * * * *
Because of that lunch fiasco, I wasn’t able to go to the OB to get my ultrasound results and talk with the doctor about the findings. Which is why Petite saw my ovaries na! :P But thanks for taking notes for me! Anyway doc told me during the visit NOT to worry but the internet articles aren’t as optimistic. She did say that it was what probably got my metabolism screwed up. Kaya pala.. Hehehe.. :P

* * * * *
MB did invite me to watch the World Cup semis bet Germany and Korea at Hard Rock. But I was really too drained to even be tempted. Anyway, Korea lost:( Since's he was rooting for Germany, I'm guessing he would tease me continously about it. Speaking of the cup, here's a blog about it... O, Sieg and Rene, for the fanatics like us! hehe..

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