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While I don't think I really have to have 8 hours of sleep, I do look forward to nights where I can close my eyes and drift off to sleep easy. Like most people. I think I have intermittent insomnia. The symptoms are all there: difficulty falling asleep, waking up at odd hours in the morning and more difficulty getting back to sleep, restlessness.. I've had it for quite some time now. And it has been bothering me because my work starts at 7AM (Phils.) (here it's 8AM)..

Nothing I've tried so far works. I tried counting sheep, drinking milk (cold, though, so time to heat it up), taking melatonin supplements.. I've also done the drink alcohol part but I guess that's bad because it makes you wake up in between sleep. I'm seriously thinking about seeing a doctor about this. It has been affecting my work. And because of the added pressure of making an impression here (or keeping that good impression going), I don't want to screw it up by showing up to work at 9AM. Not only that, it takes me a while before everything kicks in. My morning starts really slow, with a big headache at that, and for a few minutes/hours, my mind just refuses to function well...

Did some research, and I'll try doing the treatments they recommend. Will not ingest more than 2 cups of coffee per day, I will limit my alcohol intake to 1 beer/night or nothing, I will not smoke before going to sleep.. I will try to take a walk before bed time. Have sex.. este, well, ok, that I can't do, really.. hehe..

I just can't have any of this spacing out episodes at work anymore. I mean, today, I opened my drawer to get my car keys. Walked, then went back to put my medicines inside, and somehow replaced the keys. When I got to the parking lot (to go out for lunch), of course I discover I didn't have my keys, so I had to walk back upstairs, blog, and I'll get lunch afterwards. I'll see if everything gets better in a week or so. If not, I'll go see if the doctor is in.

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