Life can be ecstatic, exciting and extraordinary... if you make it to be.

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Or at least I want to try. So I'm taking a break from the usual dreary posts. haha. Traffic is bad, malls (during the couple of times I've been able to squeeze in some shopping) are gravely overcrowded. And inspite of myself, I'm still feeling the love. The cool morning breeze reminds me it's December, and the smog as I drive to work reminds me I am home. I mean this is home for me, despite of the fact that i've been pretty much a nomad the last few years. And the thought gives me comfort. Lots of.

Even if I just had one of those gah-what-was-I-thinking moments. The wonderful promise of some karmic justice sometime soon, preferably in this lifetime, is more than enough to keep my spirits up. Well, even if it does not come in this lifetime, I still like the thought that things will just all fall into place as they should. Someday.

And back to trying to spread the holiday cheer - I actually no longer know how. I'm no scrooge but I've lost a lot of my bubbliness the last couple of years. Becoming a manager has made me a pariah in the office. My promotion, a scarecrow of sorts, specially to my former peers/friends. One of the prices I have to pay. In the relationships department, I'm pretty much a failure. So yeah. Cheery and sunshiny does not make me.

Yet, I try give the sunshine where it matters most. My family. And true friends. Those who most deserve what's left of what I have to offer since the world has taken so much from me. Ho-ho-ho. And in a few days, I'm going to hug my mom and dad tight, and talk with my bro and sis till wee hours of dawn. Maybe get together with long time friends. Shower all of them with tiny presents straight from the heart.

Earlier my bro was telling me, "I smell something fishy" (they're speculating, because my going home is a surprise). And I told him, maybe you have not taken a shower. Haha. A good friend will pick me up at the airport on Christmas eve so I can pull off the surprise. Meantime, another friend is going to get me one of those 128MB USB drives. It's on my (material) wish list. So, yey. I miss my loves.

Come to think of it, no matter how much was taken away from me, I still have way more than enough.

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