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Found this in Bunny's blog. Well, I'm going to cheat a bit, coz I didn't really blog here the whole year through. But I did in other places ;) So it's a combination of both :)

Mechanics: Take the 1st few sentences from the 1st post of each month of 2005. That's your year in review.

So here's mine.

Cheers everyone! Happy new year :) Had a relatively peaceful vacation.. just like I wanted. I just learned that there are some things in your past that are harder to leave behind.

Between work and school, there hasn't been time for anything else lately. Toxic is the operative word here.

Just got done with my favorite MBA class so far - Marketing Management. It has given me a lot of perspective and inspiration, and lots of things to mull over..

Going totally jologs ;) Acting like such a groupie. But man, the bassist is hot, hot, hot! Not to mention Session Road is definitely one of the best local bands ever..

I asked the question last week to a forum of lovelorn friends (one way or another). Which is worse: unrequited love? requited love but not the love that you so desire? Or requited love, the one you heart desires, but one that is not meant to be?

Ironic how much I'm missing you now. When I've all but taken you forgranted while you were here.

To say that the trail was treacherous is definitely an understatement. But I'm getting ahead of myself.Last Saturday morning, I met up with 2 other bikers in Petron Alabang.

It's been a month since we last talked to each other. He just suddenly faded into somewhere.

Crazy little party girl. NOT! While I still crave the heavy beating of the speakers, the ecclectic lights, and most especially the dancing and the drinking, I am just not the party girl I used to be.
Even if I used to frequent clubs in the past, I've never considered it a valid venue for meeting (decent) guys. Alcohol is a surefire way to impair one's judgment.

The bad thing about vacations is that you can never have enough. It's been two days since I got back to work after a long week of doing-nothing-special-yet- it-was-the-most-fun-week-I've-had-in-a-long-time, but I'm still in vacation mode.

Goodbye again, naturally. How can one get used to goodbyes?

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