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There is always something about going back home and spending time with family that does what nothing else could. This lift in your spirit, and this sense of being able to declutter and destress and breathe...

Except for this minor incident with two awful cab drivers on the way home (and the fact that my flight was delayed for TWO HOURS!), my weekend was bliss.

I was able to sort out the "plans" I had mapped out before all this downsizing happened, which is now the 3-stage plan of life-after-corporate-slavery.

Stage 1 is really the simple plan of getting financially smart.

I finally made more progress with Rich Dad, Poor Dad (a book I bought and started reading some 3 years ago, hehe). Apart from all the rat race talk, the part that really got to me was when he said, that rich people use their money to buy more assets, poor people only have liabilities, while the middle class buy what they think are assets but are really liabilities. And for the first time, I finally said to myself that I want to be rich. And that won't happen if I continue to focus my energy and creativity in working for somebody else, and getting trapped in the program that tells me to strive to get good focal results each year, thinking it is tantamount to job security, and more income. But more income doesn't make us rich. It might even just lead to more expenses (expanding lifestyles), so we keep working to spend more. The pattern is never-ending.

This stage is the trickiest stage of all. It means getting rid of the liabilities (or at least, stop spending money on liabilities such as vacation, furniture, gadgets, HAVAIANAS!). I still can't quite throw away my credit card, but I've resolved to leave it at home, at ALL times. There's more to be done in this stage, and at one point, this will run concurrent to stage 2.

Stage 2 is working on my temporary exit plan. Since I've never been financially smart, and I need to build on my assets, I also need to earn more income in order to do so. Something I will not get in my current job, unless I get the much-desired "package". Resumes are on its way out, and I'm already working on my applications to Canada, Oz (not necessarily migrant visas)!

After having a lengthy discussion with my sibs, and even the recent talks I had with R, I know that I prefer to go back home for stage 3. I am more convinced that going abroad is not the end but rather just part of stage 2. It might not even be, as long as I can find something here that will serve its purpose.

Staying over the weekend just reinforced what I've known all along. Back home, I will get the best of everything. Yeah. Even love ;)

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