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I've been blessed with early Christmas presents....

... a trip with the boy which was refreshing to the mind, sould and body ;-)

... where even when it rained, our sprits weren't dampened (and yes, even when the sunset/sunrise tour was not possible due to weather conditions)

... where amidst a lot of uncertainties, it still does feel like home when we're together.

Too bad Christmas this year will be without him, but then again, I'm going to spend it with most of the family out of the country. A first for us. I just finished making arrangements for the 'rents, myself and bro. We're going to meet up with two of my sisters and their families. Unfortunately, my other sis is in Canada while my youngest sis is heavy with child. Still, this should be interesting, specially since we're spending it in a country which doesn't really celebrate Christmas. Haha.

But as early as now, I already wanna pack my bags, coz God knows I need a break. Work has been hectic, to say the least. Ngarag to the highest level.

First things first though. Gotta get my passport renewed :)

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