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Yeah, these horoscopes sometimes hit the nail right on the head.

Your Weekly Horoscope for May 27 to June 02

Dear Trixy,
What remains this week after the aftermath of the past few weeks? You may be feeling a little the worse for wear in one sense, and yet in another feel a terrific sense of freedom and hope. The conjunction between the Moon and Pluto in opposition to Saturn at the start of the week may mean that you find yourself nursing a few hurt feelings, or working through some difficult emotions which may be causing you to feel saddened. This may be due to having to let go of certain things that were very dear to you, and yet you also know that this is the only way it could have happened. However, the conjunction between the Sun and Mercury is also enabling you to articulate how you feel inside, especially as it continues to be retrograde. This gives you time to order your innermost thoughts, and to decide what your next steps should be. With Mars your ruling planet moving into Cancer, you may feel like retreating into your own private space for a while, and giving yourself some time to prepare for the coming weeks. This will also give you a chance to recharge your batteries, ready for a complete new beginning.

Best wishes for today, from the astrologers of


--I finally bought Room for Squares (John Mayer) today. I heard Back to You on the radio on the way home, so I decided to take a detour to the mall. Heh. OC. :P
--I wrote up our department monthly report for my manager and just received a "good report" note from one of the biggies (who's also a "toughie") in the Division*. Yipee!

* Division - simply put, an organization in the company working on product development. Yes, when I go to the U.S. this July, I'll be working in one of these divisions.

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