Life can be ecstatic, exciting and extraordinary... if you make it to be.

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Hhmm.. I've been blogging for a year na pala and I hardly noticed. Things were so different then. I had just come back from a trip with my barkada - Petite and Laryang. We spent a lot of time reflecting on our lives in Malapascua Island. We talked about career choices, relationships... I felt like it's time to start afresh. Look away from my past and face what the future brought (in my case, a few career opportunities + school).

It's really true that change is so constant that you sometimes hardly notice it, not until the change is so profound or disturbing or amazing. Now both my friends are engaged, I ended up taking this assigment and leaving school (temporarily, I hope), and even if I've waited all of my life to sponsor showers for my friends (I'd always known I'd marry late.. I feel like I'm the eternal single girl.. hehe), instead, I'm going to miss not one but two important milestones!

So I guess, after feeling like I wanted to stop blogging permanently a couple of times, I'm still here, and probably will still continue to blog for a while..

Has Lille said her permanent goodbyes? Aww. But, have a good one! :)

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