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Drift - This is one of those indie movies you don't expect to find but glad you did... Story is about two gay men and one of them broke off their long-term relationship (5 years?) because he thought he met his "soulmate". The movie takes on three different possible scenarios after this event and all paths was perfectly laid out. I liked the realism and the fact that despite the director's claim that he was only intending to reach the gay audience, the plot really transcended beyond that and yes, I could relate to the main character's dilemma. Sometimes, when we're in a long term relationship, we tend to forget what brought us together in the first place and we go look somewhere else for that visceral connection, that passion.. And I believe that. Never compromise passion for comfort. Never settle. But then again, sometimes, the one we're looking for, was right in front of us all the time.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - I can't believe I waited this long to watch this. OMG! I was so enchanted by this film. Beautiful score and cinematography. Adventure and romance - a very good combination. And I've never scene a love scene so sensual yet the characters still had all their clothes on. Galeng! Granted some of the lines where kinda cheesy, but then, I love cheesy :) This definitely goes to my all-time favorite movie list. Plus Zhang Zi Yi was so effective as a seemingly "meek" lady on the outside but really possessed such power and prowess inside. Girl power, right there. And I like to think I'm a crouching tiger, hidden dragon myself.

p.s. Zhang's love interest "Lo" (Chang Chen) kinda looks like Mr. T. Heh.

Life As A House- This one is a tear-jerker. Wonderful cast - Kevin Kline, Kristin Scott Thomas, Hayden Christensen (yes, Anakin!), Jena Malone.. The movie is about a man who has hit rock bottom - divorced, lost his job, drug addict son.. And then he learns he was dying, so he decided to pursue his lifelong dream of building a house (he's an architect), and along the way, he rebuilds his relationships and ultimately his life. It's poignant and touching, and has that realism that affects anyone who has lived through pain and happiness, and anyone who has loved someone so much until it hurts.

p.s. Hayden is so good in this film. He will definitely shine beyond Star Wars.

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