Life can be ecstatic, exciting and extraordinary... if you make it to be.


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Dear Shark,
Focal notwithstanding, where I'm at right now, it's bliss. How can it not be? Another year was added onto my life. It's not a perfect life, but it's still a very blessed life. While I may be left wanting for more material things, I have everything I need. A loving family. Faithful friends. Newfound friends. Long-lost friends found again. What do I have to complain about? Nothing really.

And so I want to pull-in this year's thanksgiving. It's only been a quarter, and already life's been good.

Thanks to my family - my dad, mom, sisters, brother, in-laws, nephews and nieces, for the unconditional love. Year in, year out, I feel it. Every.single.time.

Thanks to my relatives - my cousins, uncles, aunts, who are there, even when I don't always see them. To G&H, for all the love and support from UK. I'm so glad to know you're moving to Oz soon. Maybe I'll see you there, sometime? =)

Thanks to my friends - Lar & Fudz, my oldest friends in the world. And I don't mean the age. Half our lives as best buds? That's tough to beat :) The rest of my high school barkada, my college buds, MBA friends, office friends (you know who you are, you've made life at work so much easier, and the out-of-town gimiks, a lot more fun!).

Thanks to all the boys I've loved before.. Hahaha. Loving and losing has taught me so many lessons. No regrets. Only hope.

Thanks to everyone whom I've crossed paths with. You've added bits and pieces into this life that may be big or small. I will not be who I am now, without all of you.

Shark, I'm happy. And it's not just because of R, though I must say he's one big spoonful of happy syrup nowadays. I know this is all fleeting. But still, he's worth a space or two in this blog. That silly grin or foolish smile you see right now, is because of him. Endorphins, I tell you, are the best.


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