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Another harried weekend. Weekend McFlurry, I call it, as we (yeah, there’s a we for now, sort of, hahaha) were caught in another flurry of activities. Extra joss doesn't do anything for me anymore but the endorphins are taking me a little bit further. Naks. Hahaha.

Friday was MI 3 date. Had to bail on the friendships, but I know they fully support me. Hehe ;) I’m not a Tom Cruise fan, and his huge brown eyes freak me out, which unfortunately distracted me throughout the movie. But, Tom Cruise or not, I loved it. And like most everyone else, I also now want to be an action star or a field agent with cool gadgets. I also hope that adrenaline injections are real, because I totally need some right now.

Malate, still one of my favorite places to go, was up next on the agenda. I love watching the mélange of people – different social standings, cultures, genders; name it, you have it. We decided to try the street bars (or so I’d like to call them), with front row tickets to people watching. A 12yo kid approached our table, selling peanuts and fish crackers. R was being his usual hilarious self and just horsed around with the kid, whose name turned out to be Jordan. Jordan obviously enjoyed all the banter, and decided to grab a chair and join us. Laugh trip. We were in the middle of a serious conversation before he came, and that totally broke the moment. Jordan was makulit, albeit adorable. His huge innocent eyes were so sad that it made me want to curse his parents for taking his childhood away, and putting him out on the street to work, in the middle of the night, in a dangerous vicinity. Insert sigh here.

Shortly after Jordan left, R revealed something to me. We have been revealing bits of important information about ourselves to each other, in piecemeal fashion. To take away the shock, I guess. Whatever he told me was definitely a big deal, but it was not a deal breaker. But it’s something we will have to talk about again, definitely, if what we have becomes more serious.

Saturday we went to see one of his best friends. We just lazed around all day, and just talked. Later in the night, more of their friends came, and the inuman session started. I didn’t join in, just because I’m trying to cut down on alcohol - it totally defeats all my calorie-counting activities. One light beer is about 105 calories. And who stops at just one? :p

Sunday afternoon we went swimming at the pool with his friends. This time, because it was such a nice day out, I couldn’t resist the beer. Bad. I stopped counting after my 2nd beer. Much too depressing. After all the dieting on the weekdays. Argh :)

His best friend was telling me how he already knew of me, long before we met. R told him about me a while back. Hmm.. Interesting. I guess our little summer special friendship way back did mean something to him as well. Kilig. Hehe. R didn’t let his best friend say anything more than that. Oh well. At least I now know I didn’t just imagine that connection I felt then.

R introduces me as his wife, trying to be cute, and it is, but really, I’m taking it slow. Steady lang. My last whirlwind romance bit me back in the ass so bad, it still hurts up to now. I like that R and I are getting to know our older and mature versions now. I learn more and more about him through the people close to him, through his revelations, and just through the little things he does when we’re alone with each other. He is definitely not perfect, but my feelings for him are real and getting stronger. He is so kulit sometimes, and as pikon as I am, he constantly tests my patience. So far, I’ve learned to stretch it more and more and that’s a good thing. He can also stand my moods and kaartehan sometimes. Being with him, I go back to being that girl who can hang out with anyone. I used to be able to do that easy. That’s what being a student politician teaches you. He gets irked by my knack for losing things, being as disorganized as I am when it comes to my stuff. He has a tendency to become a nagger – he has to repeat something, especially when it comes to correcting me. We both have that nagging tendency, so it kind of wakes us up both, and it taught me to be patient enough to listen and then tell him that I already got it the first time around. And then he would grab me and kiss me on the head or forehead, as if to say sorry. So is all good. :)

Even this early, we’ve done away with all the sugarcoating, and given the little time we have to know each other face to face, that’s just how I want it. I’d rather that we really get to know each other now, than going through the pa-cute phase, only to find that we don’t really gel together in the end. Sayang the emotional investment.

So are we together, together? Not quite yet. But if all the signs and the things I’m seeing are right on the money, it’s definitely a big possibility. A welcome one at that :)

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