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Today was a crazy in quest of the (almost) elusive limited edition Christmas 2006 Havs.

But before that. My mom, brother, sister and pamangkins spent the weekend at my place. As usual, it was crazy-happy. My mom practically rearranged everything and I resisted the urge to put everything back where they used to be. I mean, I know it was messy, but everything all organized, I could no longer find some of my stuff. LOLZ!! Anyways, I really do love my mom.. (look how she gamely posed for the cam!! hehe) and my whole fam!! I'm super duper blessed to have them...

Anyways, after the kids play time at the pool, we headed out to MoA, at my prodding. Because I wanted to check out the Havaianas sale at All Flip-Flops, and I wanted to buy my new pair!!

To my disappointment, they were OUT OF STOCK. To any shopaholic, those are probably the most dreaded three words ever. Not on sale comes next :P They told me the G4 branch was also all sold out. And that I should just try Rustan's but they couldn't check for me because they're not tied up.

I practically begged the whole family to speed thru lunch (at Pho Hoa, one of my favorite places to eat at, and the Kung Pao Chicken was just super yum, I almost forgot about my frenzied search for my Havs)! We did a little shopping for the kids, then off to Rustan's we went. And no surprise, they were also out. Looks like they are getting rid of old styles, because the Havs wall was almost empty!!

In my utter sadness, I decided to go to Tower Records to buy an album for a friend who has fallen in love with the song Hawak Kamay (he's not a Filipino, and I just sent him a copy a couple of days ago). Turns out that the PDA albums are like composed of 3 or 4 songs only, and none of Yeng's newer singles are out yet. The Beatles was playing in the background, and somehow the music just really brightened my mood.. I picked up an album, then picked an OPM one and decided to call it a day. While on my way to the parking lot, the best pick-me-upper was on its way. Van called to say she found the Havs in ATC and she volunteered to pick them up for me. YAYNESS!! Super thanks, VAN.. I really owe you one.

To celebrate, I got a flip-flop pendant, and got a foot spa and pedicure. Oh yeah, those black Filipinas Havs may just have been something to make me feel less sad - but no buyer's remorse here whatsoever ;)

BTW, Sark's back, but he needs to go back to the shop tomorrow. So, technically, still carless! And in a few days... he'll be back. I mean R. :)

Things are definitely looking up! How about that...

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