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You calm the storms, and you give me rest.
You hold me in your hands, you won't let me fall.
You steal my heart, and you take my breath away.
Would you take me in? Take me deeper now?

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Cause you're all I want, You're all I need
You're everything,everything
You're all I want your all I need
You're everything, everything.
You're all I want you're all I need.
You're everything, everything
You're all I want you're all I need, you're everything, everything.
- Everything by Lifehouse

I'm just feeling a little melancholic today. I haven't stopped missing R even though I try so hard to do so... I miss him now… I'm a little flustered 'coz I found out there were already two break-ins in our building, with the second one as recent as last night. And whenever I was with him, I always felt so safe. And I could only wish he was here now to hold me because I know that he will not let anyone hurt me. Which then brings me a little ahead into the future… I know I cannot survive long on our current arrangement. Sigh. Anyways...

After getting my composure back, I finally managed to draft some safety action plans, because apparently, not even the 10 guards or so are enough. The only good thing though is that I finally managed to meet a few of my neighbors. Since I moved in two years ago, I only know my neighbor next door, but only because she owns the nearby salon as well :)

First, I definitely need to be more active here in our building meetings and get to know my neighbors. Second, I need to purchase an alarm system, and some protective equipment like a baseball bat and mace. Third, I need to get some serious self-defense classes soon (maybe this is where my boxing gloves will now come in handy.. Hahaha!) Fourth, I need to install grills in my unit, where necessary. Fifth, I should get a companion, like a driver or a house help (though we all know its also difficult to find trustworthy folks nowadays). Sixth, I should start hiding my Havaianas flipflops, just in case the thief/thieves know those are worth quite a lot of money. Wahaha! Seven, I definitely need to start treating this place like my home, not just another place to sleep in. And maybe the long commute everyday from here to work and vice versa is still worth it, after all...

Meantime, aside from R, I do have some other things I wanted to blog about ;)

#1. The Pinoy Dream -- And no, I'm not talking about that daily reality show where all those who want to become artista flock like bees to a honeycomb. I'm actually talking about this young half-Filipino/half American man, who left his easy and comfortable life in the States, to go discover his purpose in life, which he feels so strongly is here in his hometown. See, he left the country when he was 7, so he already accumulated quite a lot of fond memories and he wanted to go back to it all.. Meet 20yr old David, who btw is a blogger, and who has always been academically inclined. And that's a good thing, yes. :) But since he got here last February, he has been eating vegetables he harvests from the fields, creating fire via wood gathered, tilling the soil and is basically dirt poor. It's very refreshing that while millions of Filipinos line up the US embassy everyday to get a shot of the American dream, he on the other hand, has given it all up to find his Pinoy dream. I truly, truly admire his will and his spirit, and hats off to him. Go visit his blog to know about this very admirable Pinoy – David Eric Poarch.

#2 My Blue Eagle Quest - Whew, I enrolled my last class this term. Unfortch that it’s on a Saturday, but I really want to see this over sooner than later. It's not without challenges, of course. I'm still not done with my finals on the last elective I took, and thesis is due in less than 60 days. And I have not even started any freakin' thing! Three course overlaps, good luck to me. hahaha.. If things go well, I'll be finally out of school by Jan of next year, roughly 6 years since I started. What a journey it has been :)

#3 Emancipation Update – Aussie and I had a lengthy talk yesterday, and he told me he’s still adjusting to his life in Oz, more than a year since he left. He is irked about being treated like a second-class citizen, especially at work. If not for his goal of saving up some money for his fam, I think he would long have come back here. So basically he’s unhappy. Incidentally, one of our friends who just left the country (actually, she’s the landlady of former gov neighbors) is now his officemate. Small world! Anyways, Aussie and I have reached a breakthrough in our friendship, and we’re now closer than we used to be. He knows about R, so it’s platonic :)

#4 LSS Mystery Uncovered - Van/DJ, remember that day I asked you guys to help me find a song I heard on the radio, with about 3 words from the song (very common words, btw, so imagine the difficulty - level 5 ito! hehehe)? Well, it's the one above. And I found it without effort, after clicking on some Youtube videos on Brokeback (don't ask) :) DJ --- please, please find me the mp3 of Everything by Lifehouse. (Insert pa-cute smile here). Thanks!!!!!!!!! :)

p.s. The vid is my tribute to a long-time friend, M, who has been there for me and I know will continue to be there through thick and thin. M loves anime so when I saw this, he immediately came to mind :) I miss you, M! Take care!

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