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Just came from a dinner and conversation with old friends at Hooters. We had a lot of catching up to do as I haven't seen either Ali or Allan for such a long time. I guess when R was here we got caught up in working things out, spending quality time together, and planning for the future. Yes, there's a plan :) Right now, things are in its initial stages, but we're taking baby steps. Just the way I like it. I mean, I did this once in the past, everything happened so fast, whirlwind seems such an understatement. And it all just went down the drain. This time around, I really want to be sure. 

Back at work, things are going great still. I mean, I still have a heartache over working nights, but I'm starting to sleep at least 6 hours a day now.  So, again, baby steps. The next thing I want to do is to start working out again. I mean, I just packed my shiny gold gym bag with my pink gloves and rubber shoes, excited to go boxing again. That was two weeks ago. And my trainer has yet to see me show up :p The thing is, I still have not mastered the art of staying alert after shift with enough energy to go thru 1.5 hours of boxing routine. Every time I drive home, I can barely keep my eyes open, and I hit the shower once I arrive at my condo. Then I only have enough energy to turn on my aircon (sometimes I even wake up only to find out it's still on fan) before sleep takes over. 

But yeah, I have my career path plotted out and so far, things are on track. I just had my mentor/mentee introduction the other day, and though our meeting went well, I started off wrong. Way wrong. It was the day of heavy downpour and the traffic was just sooooooo bad. The cars were barely moving in SLEX. In the middle of calling/texting our admin and the folks on the other site to get the number of my mentor so I can inform him of my predicament, my phone rang. The number wasn't registered, so I answered tentatively. He told me he was my mentor, but I seriously thought he was my officemate trying to mimic his accent. I wasn't even able to explain why I was late, and mumbled through the conversation. Argh! Then I found out that my mentor got my number from my manager. Double ding! Anyways, I survived through that, and here's to hoping that didn't ruin it all for me. Haha.

Anyways, I think I still have more than 10 days of vacation plus some holidays on the horizon. I wanna go somewhere. I've never been to Davao. Anyone wanna join me? :)

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