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We just officially entered the "ber" months. In fact, a Christmas countdown has already started in one of the local TV shows (in the background). So time to revisit my wishlists and "resolutions".

2008 Wish List:
1. Pink Notebook - CHECK (well, replaced my Flamingo obsession with Addie :))
2. New AC - decided to forego this, I don't really need it
3. Car - pushed out to 2009
4. Ipod Touch - no longer really want this. I want an iPhone 3G instead :) Maybe a Christmas gift to myself...
5. Shoe Closet and some more cabinets for my spare room which I want to turn into a big closet anyways - CHECK

6. Shake hands with Mickey :) - CHECK

Somehow, the Neverfull made it to my wish list along the way, and it became an instant obsession.  So check. (or should I say, checkmate? hehe)

3/6 + 1.  Good enough:)

1. Learn to swim - hmmm... ok. :p
2. Go somewhere I've never been to -- HK honeymoon and Zamba island hopping adventure :) - CHECK
3. Quit smoking - argh. but i'm almost there though. I think :)
4. Go boxing again  - CHECK
5. Be a photography master! - i haven't tinkered with sloane for more than 3 months now.. haay..

2/5, well I guess next year I'll just list 3 then to make it more realistic :)


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