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... after a rather harrowing day.

* My saga with the travel folks continues. They committed to send an email by 330PM, and they're already an hour behind. And so I say again, grrrrr!!!
* I've been feeling more harassed than normal. The pressure of tying loose ends before I leave in July is hanging over my head like a sword. Or maybe it's the Fita crackers I've been eating for lunch the past two days. Anything that's 150 calories (~9 crackers), with 11% fat for a 2,000-calorie diet (and I'm way below that) could not be good, right?
* What is it with after-office hour meetings! Two days in a row. Arrgghh...
* We were talking about High Impact Leadership Dev't Program in our staff meeting today. The department just came out of a teambuilding last week and we had several realizations. We discussed about the Pygmalion Effect. I realized I've been doing this in my relationships. Our common friends (and even net friends) told me that TLB was bad news, and I expected him to leave me because he seemed like the type who couldn't commit. I must have communicated that expectation through my hot and cold treatment or the way I always doubted his honesty everytime he tells me something really sweet by giving him that look where I raise my left eyebrows and dismiss it as "bola". One thing I did learn after that relationship: I will listen to my heart more, the next time around. And that is not to say that I will let it rule, just that, I should have a little more faith. I certainly don't want to lose any more good people.
* See, those Fita crackers are really bad. Not just for the health, but for the mind. There we were trying to analyze an organizational problem, and my mind was off analyzing a failed relationship...
* To Outlook (and-the-like) addicts like moi, there is a cure!
* Hhmm.. I know I said I'll be blogging scarcely about work, but sometimes I couldn't help it. I should take Mona's lead and start a corporate slave series of my own. I'll call it Trixbert. Heh.

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