Life can be ecstatic, exciting and extraordinary... if you make it to be.


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There are so many things that one can enjoy in life. There is joy in something new.. Like eating someplace new. Don't you just love looking at a menu and seeing you neither can pronounce nor know what you are looking at? Don't you just love the feeling of excitement that comes with the anticipation of experiencing something that you've never experienced before? Like say, Indian ice cream, which you find out you didn't like, but then, hey, you're not supposed to like everything after all. As in life where it's the journey that matters, it's the experience that matters.

Prince of Jaipur, is a good experience. It's pricey and although I've not eaten in a lot of Indian restaurants, I do believe my novice tongue loved the food. Their butter and garlic naan is something I want to go back to. Hahaha.

And then there's the joy of the old and familiar. Like friends you've known for more than half your life. Nothing beats that. These are people whom you'll know will remain a part of your life, through good and bad, most likely till your last breathe. And that knowledge is priceless.

And then there are friends whom you have known not quite as long. But are also a big part of your life. Even if you're two hemispheres and oceans apart, they remain close to your heart. (Yeah, I'm talking about you M***.. :) Thanks for calling.. and thanks for always, always being a good friend!)

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