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To say that I had a weird night is an understatement.

Picture this - me hanging out with the following: A - a guy who openly said to everyone else that he was hitting on me for the longest time but I kept on rejecting him, G - our girl officemate who has a big crush, like asking him out kinda crush, on A, the guy's current date (he told me at the end of the night that she was just a "friend", not a date) and I shall name her S, and my crush, P (for priest material, hahaha).

Argh. But let me back up just a bit. Had dinner with some folks earlier in one of the buffet restaurants in the metro. After the dinner, I decided to invite my two girlfriends to go to a nearby bar. Crushie was part of the team having dinner, so I casually asked him if he wanted to go with the girls. I expected him to say no (he doesn't look like he drinks or has any other vices for that matter), but he said sure he'll follow. He ended up arriving at the place ahead of us, and by the time we got there he texted that he was already sleepy and was heading home. Obviously, I was a bit disappointed. I took that as a sign that the office banter we've been doing has nothing more to it. Then here's another backstory - bumped into one of my old friends M (and we've been planning to hang out for ages but something always came up it never materialized), so I ended up catching up on life with her for quite a bit. In the middle of our conversation, guess who showed up? Crushie. So that made my night, hehe, but yeah, after his initial brush off I already made the decision to stop putting meanings (albeit, out of sheer lack of inspiration at work) to his actions. But admittedly, I was glad he decided to come back and join us. As in, weeeee! :p

Fast forward 3 hrs later, P still hasn't gone home, and G, who is still hung up on A, decided to call A and asked him to join us. G has no idea about A hitting on me in the past. I have never told anyone in the office about that, and for very good reason. A, for a**h**e, is the classic bad boy. He would constantly flirt with me, we went out a couple of times and he told me he liked me, but never really took me out on a non-alcoholic date. I may be a lot of things, but deep down, I'm still a conservative at heart, and I'd really rather someone woe me the old-fashioned way. Admittedly, I am attracted to A, he is smart, confident, mostly sweet, and he calls me his "pangga". But I also know his escapades and encounters, none of which are PG material, and when he's drunk, his bad boy mode is turned up to maximum. Had he come along years ago, I might have fallen into my bad boy pattern, but I know a lot better now than to even get involved with him, no matter how GP or PG the circumstances are. So as he told everyone tonight - I kept rejecting his advances, even when I found it cute that he introduced himself as Mr. XY in one of our office meetings. So anyways, G has no idea about any of this, and nor was I prepared for the event that A just blurted out this detail to everyone else. G was probably surprised by that revelation, but was even more surprised that A had brought a date with him. Egad. Sometime along this weird scenario, the other friends we were with left, and so I was left with the folks I mentioned above. I applaud P for sticking it out for more than he initially said he would, and if I found our set-up weird, I dunno what he thought about the whole thing. Too much information for him going on right before his eyes. P eventually bid goodbye, and so there we were, A with his harem. Argh.

Somehow, A ended up chatting the night away with me, asking me again and again why he is not my type - and all I did was pointed to the two other girls. He is that kind of bad boy. Then he told me that his date S wasn't really his date and that he doesn't even see her that often, and doesn't know when he'll see her next. And he told me the only reason why he went out with G was because I rejected his advances. Uhm, whatever. And in a weirder turn of event, S and G were now laughing together like old friends, and at one point I saw S glaring at me. SCARY.

I finally decided to leave, and it was the cue to break up the happy club sandwich right there. By the time I got home, I received a text from A telling me that he was in Antipolo and that the view was sexy (huh?) and that he wanted me to join him. I told him I didn't think his date would appreciate that, and there again he said S wasn't his date but just a friend. Told him I don't kiss my friends (they were getting chummy before we left because the girl kept on leaning closer to kiss him - ew!) and said good night. And oh, I forgot to mention that at one point, he invited me to sleep over at his place, with his girl, because he thought it was not safe for me to drive. Man, I'm much safer driving drunk than going back to his place with S. And I call her S for a reason. 

So that was how my night went. The only good thing that came out of it was the part were crushie stayed far longer that he said he would (too bad I wasn't able to talk to him more, no thanks to A), and A ended up paying the bill for everyone. Sweet.

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