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We were practically hiding in a dungeon this week for our Lean/Kaizen activity. We thought it was a welcome break from our daily drudgery. But no! I was (and still am) physically and mentally drained. Toss in emotionally drained to that basket of woes as well. But like our Lean consultant would always tell us, a conscious mind cannot complain. I signed up for this, and really, I've been learning a lot, but man, this is more than I signed up for. Imagine being trapped in a room of bullies, trapos, ratholes - all the different office characters you can dare come up with. For TWO FULL DAYS. Argh. But anyways, we have pushed for what we wanted, and we got it, and now we're making some progress. Light at the end of the tunnel :) Meanwhile, I've gotten a chance to interact with more people I don't normally interact with, and I'm quite surprised with what I'm seeing. 

In another work story, I was approached over a new role at work. I've been mulling over it for the last week as well, and something our lean consultant also struck me. "Responsibility is not given, it is taken". So take it, it is! Hahaha.

Now for the clincher. I have a new crush. Hahaha (and no, C, I'm not telling!). Yesterday, he passed by our video conference room (glass panels) and he motioned that we should put the blinds down since the people passing by were looking on. Motioned back to him that I didn't know how to put down the blinds (shempre, keme lang.. hahaha!) and he went in just to pull them down. Awwww...  

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