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I've been loving vampires lately. I want me some Edward Cullen or Bill Compton :p

Let's start with the older dude, Bill (though technically, they are both really old, and immortal, to boot). I met him last weekend when I watched back to back episodes of True Blood. I know, I said no more vampires for me, but I started with 1 episode, and then I just got hooked. That's pretty much how vampires would charm us in real life, I guess :) 

True Blood is of course an HBO series, and when it comes to successful runs, they know it so well. The show is set in a fictional town in Louisiana, which in itself makes for an eerie setting. Even more eerie is the fact that Sookie, the protagonist in the story (who is btw, telepathic, and played by Anna Paquin) lives beside a cemetery. I have no doubt why Sookie is a blond in this story.. as vampire Bill once said "I can smell the sunlight on your skin.." She is indeed sunlight and life personified - something that a vampire always craves for. There has been 8 episodes so far and I just love how the story builds up over time. Unlike Heroes (or my now abandoned Lost, Prison Break, and 24), no heart-wrenching cliffhangers at the end of each episode. Just enough mystery to keep you coming back for more. Or maybe it really just about a vampire's enigma? And yes, the story definitely has more than enough to keep you glued - what with an unidentified serial killer on the loose, a bar owner's mysterious past and identity (which was heightened when Sam ran naked through the forest), the evil coven (the orgy scene in Bill's house just proves how evil he can be, although vampires claim to be neither good nor evil), and there's that new character Amy, who may be of supernatural kind (or Buffy's descendant? :)). The cinematography is just absolutely perfect, each scene shot in HBO precision. And since this is HBO, nudity is also involved (if not a given), but as always, done with much taste. My favorite love scene is the one which opened episode 7 (Sookie's "baptism"). It was so artfully done it almost made me want to sleep with a vampire. Haha. Now the almost is the operative word here. Anything that involves pain and heavy loss of blood makes me faint and squeamish. :p Not so very romantic. Then there are the characters. It's definitely a wonderful blend. Other note-worthy characters are Tara (whose mother was possessed by a demon for several years, and who herself may be possessed as well), Lafayette (the burly, gay, drug-dealing cook), Eric (the strong vampire who is the "sheriff" in the territory and bar owner of Fangtasia), Jason (Sookie's brother who is easily the resident, ern, let's just say his well-chiseled body is always on display)... Lastly, I so love their soundtrack. Now, I'm not a blues fan, nor am I a blues expert. But the soundtrack fits so well in story, injecting that haunting feeling that leaves you in a limbo of wanting to run or stay. The opening credits feature the song "Bad Things". Very apt, I should say :)

** part 2 of this post later.. need to try and sleep again.. dern you, sunlight! :) **

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