There has been lotsa love going around the last few days with the friendships at Gov. It's almost perfect, except that we always end up missing Ali all the more. (Di bale, you were there in spirit. Kasali ka pa din sa pix!! Hehehe!!) :)
Anyhoo, the Gov crew decided to throw a soup rice (surprise) party for housemate Joe-seph. His much-awaited open heart surgery is scheduled next week, and we wanted to wish him all the best. The plan was elaborate, and everything went pretty well except for the fact that a few people came late, and a darned truck parked across the street, leaving us no room to park. Ergo, housemate drove to the next street, only to find the rest of the cars of the folks waiting inside.
When Joseph came in, the 1st question he asked was where were our housemates and how come he saw several cars parked in Hagerstown. I could not even muster an answer, and MZ (the lurer, hehe) just mumbled some words. I had to go inside before we totally spoil the surprise, and when Joseph saw the balloons and Izzie's picture (hot intern, haha!), he knew what was going on. The rest of the crew shouted "surprise" and they were so cute with the party hats and all. Sayang lang, no pictures. The camera didn't work!! hahaha.
Dinner was super yum with the wonder salad from the kids at Worcester, pizza, chicken, pancit and chocolate cake. MZ took care of the flowers (they were so lovely we took turns having our pix taken with the bouquet. Hahaha.. maawa naman kayo!! give us flowers na :p).
The highlight of the night was the Forbidden Questions - Gov edition. Alcohol-free on 1st round, and all questions answered by Joe. Galing. We were running out of ammo, I had to take out what was left of the see-you-soon-Joseph white wine and the tequila that was intended for the other office friends (hehe, bili na lang ng bago). We immediately ran out of tequila, so they went out to buy more alcohol, which turned out to be this super kadiri vodka. (Naku, my "blackout" mix, buti na lang, nothing strange happened, hahaha!!).
The night turned out to be a revelation of sorts. Someone was being a smart aleck so we had so much fun with the game. And who knows who was telling the truth or not? ;-)
It was so fun and funny!! Here are some of the questions, and I'm sure no one took anyone seriously, because as DJ mo would say - this is just a game! :)
Q#1: What is the size of your *ahem*?
The rest of the answers pretty much stayed around that range. and at the end of the night, someone admitted he lied. Hahaha!
The same question was picked from the tumbler for one of the girls, so she answered her bosom size "38A".
Smart aleck retort: Di mo na kelangan sabihin kasi nakikita namin yan!
Hahaha. Onga naman.
Then someone started guessing the cup size of all the girls present. In fairness, ang galing! Hahaha.
Q#2: Lights on or lights off?
Most memorable answer: Pwede both?
Ang hirap nun ah! Imagine the horseplaying that followed after.
Q#3: When was the first time you did "it"?
"It" being subject to personal interpretation. Haha. The average age was ~21/22. There were outliers on both ends of the spectrum. The other end is of course, obvious. Yung isang end - 16yo :p
Q#4: When was the last time you did "it"?
Answers: 2 years ago, 4 months ago, 3 weeks ago, may '06, last week, 26yo and then - feb xx 3AM. Me oras pa talaga! :p
Q#5: What is your favorite position?
Now this, I can't describe. Graphic masyado! Hahaha!! :p
Q#6: How long does it take before you finish?
7 mins... 1 min, 3 mins... 30 seconds!
Q#7: Wildest place you've done "it"?
Again, "it" is subject to personal interpretation. Some chose to answer the romantic place. Guess which is which. Hahaha.
"In front of the Mediterranean Sea, garden in parents' house, hot air balloon, sofa while someone was upstairs, kitchen, parking lot in a university somewhere, stairs in a condo while the guard was knocking..."
And the biggest revelation of the night:: the mystery of the broken electric fan was finally solved! Hahaha.
Then we ordered their Greek dessert called Baklava. It's nutty, sugary, and has a taste of cinnamon... I liked it though the other girls were not so much into it... We had no more room for the Greek coffee (that might have went well with the dessert), but certainly something we'll go back for..
We shelled out around P275 each for the food... It was well worth it!! Even just for the wonderful dinner we had. The food was great, the host (Manos, I guess) was hospitable (he would check in on the guests and he personally assisted in the parking and backing out of the parking, which was kind of a nice touch), the ambiance had this homey feel to it.. Nothing too pretentious, although the place is not air-conditioned, and this may pose a problem for summer dining and then, there are the fumes. hehe. It's also on the other side of the road, so no Taal views from this resto. But, well, I've seen the view a million times, and while it's nice and all, the food at the taverna makes up for most of the misses I can think of (sablay daw the restroom, but I didn't get to check it out, so no opinion on that end).. So, it's highly recommended, and I will come back for more :) (I wanna try their gyros/shwarma).
After dinner, we proceeded to the Cupid party at Melrose Place, err, Gov Hills :) It was the usual crowd, plus a couple of new faces and guests. Nice turn out. Food and drinks - ok. Thanks to Ampost for the sponsorship!! It was helluva fun night, but we missed your antics and Steve Jobs stories!! Hahaha!! And thanks to our housemates (Joseph, and Nevo - yan ha, special mention na), for the heart lollilops, even if you failed to give it to us that night.. Hehehe!! Sweeettttt!! :)
Labels: food, R, valentine's
Yey was the very first word I uttered when I woke up today. Checked my phone and there it was. The greeting that I thought wouldn't come. He isn't into all this mushy stuff. I mean this is the guy who flippantly retorted "So you want more sugar?", when I told him it wouldn't hurt to be pa-sweet sometimes. Hahaha!
So while I was in deep sleep mode (laptop ba ito?!), he sent me this nice little message, telling me that he hoped he didn't wake me, then making pa cute na... Well, even if he did wake me at 2AM, I wouldn't have minded. Yes, he is one of the few people allowed to rouse me from my slumber (sorry, housemates, di pa kayo kasali dyan sa elite list na yan! hahaha!!). Happy, happy. It's all about the small stuff, really, when it comes to love and being in love :)
That explains my sparkly, holiday mood today. I feel like hugging everyone. That, and of course, all the wonderful things that happened the last couple of days.
1st off, the suprise visit from Ali, all the way from MoA! Hehehe. Together with Vanilla, we hied off to the huts of Balinsasayaw (uhm, at least I think that's what it's called), leaving our guy housemates behind.. Wawa naman, I think they really wanted to come.. But we wanted it to be solid girls' night out. We miss our nights like this back when Ali still dormed in Gov. Impromptu kwentuhan any night we wished. Sigh. But at least, we're holding on to our bond... In fact, there are more sessions to come! Yeyness.
The nice night was marred by a little murderous event (God bless his little soul)... But it was his fault. How could he just cross the highway like that? He should have known better. Highways are for fast cars!! And drivers too engrossed in the chikahan should not be faulted :( Which reminds me, have to wash my car. Don't want his blood and ghost to follow me everywhere. Grabe na ito!! I'm so sorry, doggie. I really didn't mean to hit you..
Back to happy thoughts... later around midnight - Valentine's day. Somehow, Van and I couldn't sleep.. And our housemates upstairs were still up and about. Ex-roomie Allan and Ali texted their midnight greetings. Hugs!! And then, there was a group hug going on in the house. Ang sweeeeeeeeeeeet!! Hahahaha.. It was really nice.. Bonding with housemates. Sana di na bumalik si orig housemate on relo :) Joke!! Thanks for the painom!! :D
More good news - Joseph the housemate's prayers finally answered. Thank you, Lord, super. Please be with him throughout his surgery. This is so Grey's Anatomy. Wish lang namin that your intern will be as hot as Meredith and as smart as Cristina!! hahaha... And of course, that it will be successful and that recovery will be fast and painless :) God bless you, housemate!!
And one of the most awaited good news in my life --- I'm engaged. Hahaha. Joke. I finally completed by oral defense successfully. I'm practically an MBA graduate. Woohoo!! I would like to thank my sponsors... este, thank all my friends and family for the moral and all forms of support.. To Ali, who was there at crunch time and helping me get through my panic attack (and lifting the personal ref on her own so I can continue working on my paper)... To Arlene, thank you so much for all the helpful information... and not being selfish like classmate A (ay, iba pala, hehehe. peace classmate A!!)... To R, who, inspite of his painful foot, ran back and forth the Megamall, as we tried to find bookbinding places... and for letting me be as I panicked and was being snarky as I tried to beat the submission deadline.... To all the people I've crossed paths with at school (specially to the lifelong friends I've made - Rochelle, Keena, Cristina, Thet, Daisy, Gus, Les, Lolo, etc) the last 6 years or so -- hahaha, finally, i'm done!! To everyone who egged me on, when I didn't wanna finish my MBA anymore... To the company for the funding :) To all my professors (even the one who gave me a grade that is hindering me from getting a silver medal, all because mas mahaba ang hair ko sa kanya, wahaha!!), thank you for all the patience and the learnings. It was one hell of a ride, that seemed never-ending. But now that it has finally come to a stop, I was glad to have taken the ride, in spite of it all.I will miss making tambay at Starbucks (where I celebrated this milestone by my lonesome, howell, hahaha!) or malling while trying my best not to buy new Havis... I will miss so many people, and so many things, but I'm so very happy to be able to move on to other things. Like finally making use of my spanking new pink boxing gloves!! :)
Happy Hearts' Day, friends. Spread the love!! :)
With all the buzz about Valentine's Day, I'm beginning to wonder if love is nothing but a cheap thrill.
Why else would people go through all lengths, short of desperation, just for a shot at love?
A man living alone in a foreign land proposed after 4 months of internet and phone courtship, to a woman he barely knew, whom he hasn't seen for nearly 2 decades. Love or desperation?
A woman who, after a year of holding on to a man who is in love with another woman, blocks off her all her weekends and holidays for this man, in the hope that he will pull through and be there. Love or desperation?
A woman who after a series of trial and error relationships, is now reunited in cyberspace with a man whom she once loved (or lusted for, at least), until he got another girl pregnant, while they were dating. Maybe the distance has made it safer. Maybe it's love. Maybe, yet again, desperation.
And then there's me, waiting for him to come back, hoping against all hope, that strength and faith be on our side. Always.
Argh. Been an absolute emotional eater lately. Since R left, I have been craving for my favorite comfort food:
1. Ube or Pistachio Ice Cream
2. Leche Flan (which is actually R's favorite, so, eating it reminds me of him. shet. adik! haha)
3. KFC's brownie (i swear this is the best)
But no matter what I eat, I can't shake off this emptiness I feel. And I swear I can give Chabelita a run for her money now. Deng!
And I've not been going to the gym. My excuse - this never-ending viral infection. True, I'm not feeling well, but as my best friend also known as all around doctor pointed out -- "You just miss R!"
Anyway, watched The Holiday with my housemates and friends last night. Needless to say, affected!! I arrived home first, and when I got there, I just realized that every single one of us was in some sort of pain because of love. Yeah, including me. But that's not the point. The point is, it sucked to realize that. And it's all because of love.
Gosh. Love na naman? Hahaha.
"I've found almost everything ever written about love to be true. Shakespeare said "Journeys end in lovers meeting." What an extraordinary thought."
Haay. I miss R.
Buti na lang Jude Law is just so perfectly gorgeous. Distraction for an hour, at least.
And then later, the beer.
Time certainly flew by so fast. Too fast.
Didn't we just go off to get some fresh mountain air just a few days ago? And now... well, he's oceans away. Once again.
I miss him. Super. No words can even express how much.
How many more cycles like this will I be able to take? I don't know the answer, but I do know this - that I will fight hard for this. So that someday soon, I can live that perfectly ordinary life. That life with someone I love dearly, who loves me just as much. That's all I want, really. None of this ambitious crap. Deng. Age has mellowed me down. Or maybe love did.
Well, for now, I'm just going to sit still, wait patiently. No more distractions or destructions, haha (Yes, definitely!!). D is looking to room with someone somewhere because of his temporary assignment, and it crossed my mind to offer him my spare room, for about half a millisecond. And then, poof. Nope, no more of that crap either. This time I'll have more faith. And hope...
" Every now and then something amazing happens, and against our better judgment we start to have hope..." - GA, Season 3, Episode 14
Something amazing happened. R happened.
Saccharine, I know. There must be something in the air ;-)